When it comes to maintaining good oral health, choosing the right toothpaste is essential. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect fit for your individual needs. At Marlborough Dental Centre in Calgary, we. . .
Dental hygiene is pivotal for overall health, yet myths and misconceptions about oral care abound. Whether it's the supposed benefits of oil pulling or confusion over the need for fluoride, misinformation can lead to choices that don't. . .
Flossing Reaches Where Toothbrushes Can't Toothbrushes are excellent tools for cleaning the surfaces of your teeth, but they have their limitations. They can't reach the tight spaces between teeth, where plaque and food particles often. . .
What To Know About Children’s Dental Cleanings What Happens During Children’s Dental Cleaning? The dental cleaning portion of a children’s dental exam will remove plaque that can’t be removed with regular at-home brushing and flossing. A. . .
How Dental Cleanings Benefit Children Teeth Cleaning The main reason anyone gets dental cleanings is so their teeth and mouth can be fresh and spotless. Even if your child brushes and flosses their teeth twice a day, there are still spots that. . .
Dental Hygienist Requirements Education In Canada, there are 3 different ways to become a dental hygienist: Complete a 2 or 3-year advanced diploma program from an accredited dental school Receive a bachelor of dental hygiene from a. . .
The Negative Impacts Of Poor Oral Health In Children Tooth Decay. When plaque accumulates on the teeth it can lead to tooth decay, which is when sections of teeth are worn down, sometimes to the point where a hole wears through the tooth. Tooth. . .
Avoid These Foods To Keep Teeth Strong, Healthy, And Unstained To avoid dental erosion, cavities, and staining, don’t overindulge in these foods: Sugar. Most people know that sugar is bad for your teeth, but did you know that the amount. . .
5 Benefits Of Flossing Flossing does more than just remove the pieces of food trapped in your teeth; it plays an indispensable role in ensuring the well-being of your teeth and gums. Some dentists even claim that flossing accounts for more than. . .
Tips To Help Your Child Develop Good Dental Hygiene Habits Start Early With Child-Friendly Dental Products The sooner you can start your child on a good dental care routine, the better. By the age of three, your toddler will have a full set of. . .
Your Guide For Choosing A Toothbrush Best Suited For You Hard Vs. Soft Toothbrushes The Canadian Dental Association recommends the use of soft bristle toothbrushes over hard bristle toothbrushes. Although it may seem like hard bristle. . .
How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last? Professional teeth whitening treatments typically last 2-3 years depending on how well you take care of your oral health, how often you visit your dentist, and if you regularly indulge in teeth-staining foods. . .
While we all do our best to keep our oral health in check by regularly brushing and flossing, visiting your dentist for professional teeth cleaning is critical to ensure adequate dental hygiene. But how often should you schedule a cleaning? The. . .
Most parents dread having to bring their kids to the dentist. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t schedule regular appointments for dental checkups. Making sure your children visit the dentist’s office periodically is key for. . .
Letting your child to take care of their teeth, mouth, and gums can seem like a daunting task! By using the tips in this article, it doesn’t necessarily need to be. Here are some tips on how to promote the dental health of your child, no matter. . .
Visiting your dental hygienist regularly for dental cleanings is important for several reasons, from eliminating bad breath to preventing cavities. Whatever the reason, here are six ways having regular dental cleanings can benefit your oral and. . .
Getting your children to practice good oral healthcare can be challenging! However, to avoid any dental emergencies and to promote their overall well-being, brushing and flossing regularly is a must. Here are some tips from our Calgary family. . .