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5 Tips For Fitting Your Regular Dental Check Up Into Your Schedule

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  • 5 Tips For Fitting Your Regular Dental Check Up Into Your Schedule

Has it become a challenge to make an appointment with your Calgary family dentist? Follow these 5 tips for fitting a dental visit into your busy schedule. 

Sometimes life can become very hectic but not matter how busy your schedule, ensuring that you go for regular visits to your dentist is crucial for maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile. Failing to make this a priority can lead to:

  • a higher risk of cavity development
  • bad breath
  • tooth discoloration (staining)
  • tooth loss
  • potential for more expensive dental costs and procedures in the future

Convenient and Affordable NE Calgary Family Dentist

At Marlborough Dental Centre, we offer affordable services from teeth whitenings and cleanings, to regular checkups and sedation dentistry. Easily accessible by LRT and open on Saturdays, we strive to provide you the most convenient dental services in Calgary.

Family Dentist


5 Tips For Fitting A Dental Visit Into Your Busy Schedule

When you’re swamped with work responsibilities, running errands, and taking your children to and from school activities, finding time to visit your Calgary dentist can be a huge challenge. However, making regular dental visits is extremely important to your oral and overall health and should never be neglected or put on the back-burner.

If you’re struggling to find time to fit in a visit to your NE Calgary dentist, here are 4 tips that may help:

1. Make The Appointment For The Beginning or End of Day

Nothing is harder than leaving work early for a dentist appointment and then having to catch up with your responsibilities the next day. Before you choose a family dentist, make sure to ask them about their hours.

  • do they offer early morning or late evening appointments?
  • are they open on Saturdays?
  • can they be flexible with their hours?

Why you should schedule a visit to the dentist in the early morning: Appointments at the beginning of the day will allow you to get the visit out of the way and enjoy the rest of your day with sparkling teeth.

Why you should schedule a visit to the dentist in the evening: If you aren’t a fan of early mornings, then you can schedule your appointment after your busy day, so you don’t have to worry about rushing back to work or playing catch up the next morning.

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2. Get Everything Finished in One Appointment

If your schedule is jam-packed, it’s difficult enough finding time for one dentist appointment, let alone two. So if you know you require extensive dental work, it’s best to visit a Calgary family dentist who offers a wide range of services.

This will ensure that you can receive all the oral treatment you need in one location, eliminating the hassle of visiting multiple clinics. At Marlborough Dental Clinic, we offer:


3. Make a To-Do-List

Are you really beginning to feel overwhelmed by everything you need to get done? One of the best ways to ease your stress is by making a To-Do List. Start by listing out all your tasks in order of priority and this will help you put everything into perspective and tackle your responsibilities one by one.

Tip: If you plan out your tasks every week, it’ll be easier to stay on track and hopefully, this will free up some time to see your dentist!


4. Schedule Your Appointments in Advance

One of the simplest and most effective techniques of fitting in those much-needed dental checkups is to schedule one weeks or months in advance. By marking the appointment on your calendar ahead of time you ensure that:

  • a specific block of time has been reserved so no other appointments can be scheduled.
  • you’re prepared for the appointment in advance.
  • you keep up with your regular dental hygiene and check-ups for a healthy and beautiful smile.

Tip: The best time to schedule your next visit to the dentist is after your previous dental appointment. Just stop by the front desk and discuss the timings which work for you. Remember to ensure it’s at a time of day that works for you, so you’re less likely to back out later on.


Call Today

To find out more about our flexible hours and convenient location, and how we can help you stay on track when it comes to your dental health, contact our NE Calgary dentist at  403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.

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