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The Root Canal Treatment: Your Step By Step Guide

* Effective December 2019, Marlborough Dental Centre will be offering Oral Sedation Only.
Do you have a tooth abscess? A root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to eliminate any pain. Here’s what to expect from the procedure and how to ensure a quick recovery.

Root canal treatment has the bad reputation of being one of the most painful dental procedures. In truth, when performed by a qualified and experienced dentist, the procedure can provide many benefits, including:

  • Elimination of jaw and tooth pain
  • Restored function and aesthetics to your smile
  • It prevents extraction and allows you to keep your natural tooth
  • Elimination of infection and protection of your oral and overall health

Root Canal Treatments at Our Calgary Dental Clinic

Are you suffering from a tooth abscess and dental pain? Our Calgary dentists are able to perform root canal treatments to help eliminate your discomfort and preserve your tooth. We also offer oral sedation dentistry to help make the procedure as comfortable and quick as possible.

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5 Things to Expect From a Root Canal Treatment

Your dentist will typically recommend a root canal treatment if you have an abscessed tooth. This is an infection within the tooth that can be caused by an untreated cavity or an injury, and without any treatment, you may require an extraction.

If your dentist has suggested a root canal treatment to eliminate pain and save your natural tooth, then here are the 5 steps of this treatment:

  1. Anesthesia will be administered. Your dentist will use a needle to administer local anesthetic to the affected tooth. After this, your dentist may place a dental dam to isolate your tooth so it can stay dry and clean during the treatment.
  1. Your dentist will access the inside of your tooth using a small drill to create an opening in the top portion of the tooth.
  1. Small files will be used to clear away the damaged and diseased pulp from inside the tooth. The inner chamber will be irrigated with water to clean it completely and an antimicrobial solution may be added to kill any additional bacteria and reduce the risk of further infection.
  1. Once this has been cleaned and dried, your dentist will fill it with a rubber like material. The opening will then be closed with a temporary filling as you wait for your permanent crown.
  1. After several weeks, your dentist will place the permanent crown on the tooth to complete the treatment.


Recovering From a Root Canal Treatment: What to Expect

After a root canal treatment, you may experience some tooth pain and sensitivity. You may also notice a small bubble in the gum tissue and some roughness around the tooth. These symptoms are very normal and they will subside as you heal.

Here’s what you can expect during your recovery period:

  • Slight discomfort for 2-3 days after the procedure. Your mouth may feel sore for up to 2 weeks but this can be managed with pain medication.
  • Your dentist may recommend a pain reliever such as ibuprofen to decrease any discomfort and inflammation and help speed up the healing process.
  • A permanent crown will be placed after a few weeks. During this period, you should avoid chewing on the side of the mouth that has been treated until it has been crowned.
  • Avoid sticky, hard, and crunchy foods as they can dislodge the filling material and trap food debris in your restored tooth, which can increase the risk of decay.
  • Your dentist may schedule a visit in 6 months to assess the progress of your treatment.

Maintaining Your Root Canal Treatment Results

After your root canal treatment, it’s very important that you maintain a good oral hygiene routine. This includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day. You should also make sure to schedule regular checkups and dental cleanings with your dentist.



Call Today

To find out more about our root canal treatments and how our dentists can help make your dental procedure as comfortable and quick as possible, visit us at Marlborough Dental Centre, 1141-3800 Memorial Drive NE Calgary, AB, T2A, 2K2.

Alternatively, you can contact us at 403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.


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