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The Benefits Of Family Dentistry

The Benefits Of Family Dentistry

Although general dentists and family dentists have the same level of training and the same qualifications to practice dentistry, family dentistry is for people of all ages. Family dentistry focuses on the dental health of the whole family and can allow you to have the same dentist for you, your parents, and your children from their first tooth onward. Family dentistry practitioners often pride themselves on their ability to provide dental services to entire families and establish relationships with all members of the family. Here are some reasons you may choose family dentistry for your oral health needs.

Family Dentistry Benefits

Addresses Family Dental History
Many health issues are hereditary and oral health is no different. Some oral traits influenced by genetics include mouth shape and size, overcrowded teeth, weak teeth, gum disease, tooth colour, oral cancer, and some levels of tooth decay. While genetics do not completely determine all of these, they can put people at a higher risk of developing these issues.

Even aspects of oral health that are not related to genetics are often common among families. If parents have a lot of cavities, for example, their children will also be prone to cavities. This is because parents teach their children oral health and families often share meals and general at-home practices. Similarly, some families may have sweeter foods and drinks on hand than other families, putting all members of that family at a higher risk of developing cavities.

Dental Hygiene Training
Family dentistry gives your dentist the opportunity to discuss good oral practices for every age with you. Your dentist can give you some tips for good oral health for the whole family. Since families often have similar tooth-brushing routines, diets, and other habits, having a dentist who can address these for the whole family and explain the different needs of children as they grow can help everyone have better oral hygiene.

Many families prefer to have all of their records together at one family dentistry clinic. It makes dental insurance simple and it can give families the opportunity to have multiple dental exams completed at once. When your child is old enough to sit in the waiting room alone or to sit with you while you have an exam, you can take your child for a dental checkup and then get one yourself. You also have the option of going to a family dentistry clinic with multiple dental hygienists and you and your child can receive dental checkups and cleanings at the same time. This can help reduce the number of visits needed to keep every member of the family in good oral health.

Having the same dentist and dental team for a long time is greatly beneficial. When a child goes to the same dentist from childhood to adulthood, they become familiar with the setting and the people. This can help many people, even in adulthood, feel comfortable at the dentist. When your child has been going to the same dentist for a long time they know they can trust them even if they need more invasive care, such as the removal of wisdom teeth. It is also beneficial for the dentist and dental team to be familiar with patients so that they can serve them most effectively. A dentist who has worked with a patient and their family for many years will automatically know the dental history of the patient without the risk of any clerical errors from a previous patient transfer. The dentist will also know how the patient feels about and reacts to trips to the dentist. For example, they will know if a patient gets nervous at the dentist and if certain procedures may benefit from sedation dentistry


Family Dentistry In Calgary

If you and your family are interested in a family dentistry clinic that offers affordable, quality, and convenient general family dental services in NE Calgary, visit Marlborough Dentistry. Our highly trained and experienced dental staff work with people of all ages and can give you and your family the high-quality family dentistry you deserve. As a licensed general family dentist, Dr. Popp is trained to solve a wide range of dental problems for all your family members. The Marlborough team offers care for children and seniors, as well as cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, and much more. To schedule a dental exam with a family dentistry clinic, contact Marlborough Dental Centre at 1-403-248-2066 or fill out the online contact form.



Q: How is at-home dental hygiene different for children as they age?
A: Your child will need different types of toothpaste and toothbrushes as they age. Learn about every step in your child’s oral health journey by reading Dental Care For Children: An Age-By-Age Toothbrushing guide.

Q: When should my child visit the dentist?
A: You should book your child's first dentist appointment when they reach the age of 1 year old or when they get their first tooth. Your child should receive a check-up and cleaning every 6 months after this.

Q: When should my child start losing their teeth?
A: Children should lose their baby teeth somewhere between the ages of 6 and 12. If your child is over 12 and still has one or more baby teeth, visit Marlborough Dental Centre in NE Calgary to schedule a dental exam and determine the proper course of action.

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