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Step-By-Step Guide to Getting a Dental Crown

A dental crown is an effective and natural-looking cosmetic dentistry treatment that helps restore the strength and health to one or more teeth.

A dental crown is a ‘tooth’ shaped cap that is placed over a damaged tooth to improve its size, shape, and strength, as well as restore its appearance. A dentist may recommend a dental crown if the tooth is:

  • broken or severely worn down,
  • discoloured or poorly shaped,
  • badly decayed and has gone through a root canal treatment,
  • fractured,
  • in need of a dental bridge.

Dental Crowns


How Do You Prepare A Tooth For A Crown?

When performed by a qualified dentist, a dental crown is a simple and very effective cosmetic dentistry procedure, but it does require at least two visits to your local dental clinic.

Here is what to expect from the procedure:


During your first dental crown visit, your dentist may take a few X-rays to check the root of the tooth receiving the crown and examine the surrounding bone. If the tooth has extensive decay, it may be necessary to perform a root canal treatment before the crown.

Dental Crown Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. Your dentist will administer an anaesthetic to numb the tooth and the gum tissue around it.  
  2. The tooth receiving the crown is filed down along the chewing surfaces to make the necessary space needed for the crown.
  3. If a large amount of the tooth is missing, your dentist may need to ‘build’ up the tooth to support the crown.
  4. Impressions are made of the tooth receiving the crown, as well as those above or below to ensure that the crown will not affect your bite.
  5. The impressions are then sent to a dental lab to be manufactured. If the crown is made of porcelain, the dentist will select the shade that most closely matches the colour of your natural teeth.
  6. During this visit, your dentist will make a temporary crown to cover and protect the tooth while the permanent one is being made.


  1. During this visit, your dentist will remove the temporary dental crown and check the fit and colour of the permanent one.
  2. If everything is acceptable, then a local anaesthetic will be used to numb the tooth and the new crown will be permanently cemented into place.
Caring For Your Temporary Dental Crown

Because a temporary dental crown is a short-term fix before the permanent crown, there are several precautions you must take with them. You should:

  • avoid sticky and chewy foods such as caramel, candy, and gum, as this may pull off the temporary crown,
  • minimize the use of the dental crown. When eating, always try to do the bulk of chewing with the other side of your mouth,
  • stay away from hard foods such as raw vegetables and tough meats as this could damage or break the temporary crown.


How Long Do Permanent Dental Crowns Last?

A dental crown is a very effective cosmetic dentistry solution and has a lifespan of up to fifteen years. However, there are several factors that will affect this, including:

  • The amount of ‘wear and tear’ the crown is exposed to
  • Your oral hygiene routine
  • Personal habits (e.g. you should avoid smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, biting fingernails)
  • Whether or not you grind your teeth

Do dental crowns require any special care?

While a crowned tooth doesn’t necessarily need any special care, it is important to look after it properly to ensure it is protected from decay and gum disease. That’s why it’s important to continue following good dental practices. 

You should always:

  • brush at least twice a day,
  • floss around the crown area, where the gum meets the tooth,
  • rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash at least once a day,
  • avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking, or excessive consumption of sweets.


What Problems Can Arise With Dental Crowns?

While a dental crown is a simple procedure that works very well to protect damaged or decayed teeth, there are certain problems that may arise, including:

1. Tooth Discomfort Or Sensitivity

The tooth which receives the crown may be sensitive after the procedure, as the anesthesia wears off. If the crowned tooth still has a nerve in it, you may experience some hot and cold sensitivity. If sensitivity occurs when you bite down, this means the crown is too high on the tooth. A visit to your dentist will be able to fix this.

2. A Chipped Dental Crown

A dental crown can chip but if it’s small, a composite resin can be used to repair it. However, if the chipping is significant, then the crown may need to be replaced.

3. A Loose Dental Crown

There may be certain cases where the cement washes out from under the crown, causing it to become loose, and allowing bacteria to leak in. If your crown feels loose, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible.

4. Dark Line Of Crowned Tooth

This is a very normal effect of having a crowned tooth and is simply the metal of the crown showing through. However, if you aren’t happy with the cosmetic appearance, talk to your dentist about replacing the crown with an all-porcelain or ceramic one.

5. Allergic Reaction

Because dental crowns are often made from a mix of metals, there may be times when a patient experiences an allergic reaction to the material, but this is very rare.


Call Today

At Marlborough Dental Centre, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services from dental crowns to tooth implants, veneers, and teeth whitening, to ensure the beauty of your smile and the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

To find out more about our cosmetic dentistry services including dental crowns, veneers, and teeth whitening, contact our Calgary dental clinic at 403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.

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