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Interesting Facts About Dental Exams

Interesting Facts About Dental Exams

You already know how important it is to visit your dentist once every six months for a dental checkup,  but do you know exactly why? When you visit your dentist, they will perform several critical tasks that help keep your oral health in check and protected. Your dental exam includes more than just a cleaning. Dental exams are a vital part of ensuring your overall health is in good order and prevent you from developing certain diseases such as gum disease or tooth decay. Although it may seem like your dentist is just poking and prodding at your mouth, there is a lot going on behind the scenes that you may not be aware of. Your dentist is analyzing your oral health and looking for signs that may lead to future dental problems and more!

Your Dentist Checks For Signs Of Cancer

After your dental cleaning, your dentist will come to ask you some basic questions about your oral health and if you have any concerns regarding it. They will then examine your mouth to check for signs of oral cancer that can only be detected by a trained dentist. They are not poking at your mouth to see how white and clean your teeth are. They are searching for early signs of cancer, tooth decay, and other oral health problems that can significantly affect your overall health. If they detect any abnormalities, your dentist will discuss further assessments, treatments, and the next steps. 

Dental Health Is Linked To Overall Health

When your dentist examines your mouth for plaque, cavities, and signs of tooth decay, they are keeping in mind the effects it can have on your overall health. If you have gum disease or a decaying tooth left untreated, it can start to affect other aspects of health. Your mouth is the gateway into your body. Whatever you swallow travels into your body. This includes the bacteria that result from cavities, plaque, and other oral health issues that can lead to more serious health problems. 

Don’t Chew Gum Before Your Appointment

Many people believe that brushing their teeth, rinsing with mouthwash, or chewing gum right before their appointment is the polite thing to do for the dentist. While you do not want to go to the dentist right after you eat a meal with a large serving of garlic and onions, you do not want to mask your natural breath with gum or mouthwashes. Bad breath is a key indicator of dental hygiene problems such as gum disease and is something your dentist checks for during your exam. Your dentist will be unable to accurately determine if you have oral health problems if you mask your natural breath odour. 

The Toothbrush Is Given For A Reason

Your dentist does not give you a brand new toothbrush as part of a brand deal or promotion. Your toothbrush should be swapped out for a new one once every three months, so you will most likely need a new one at every dentist appointment. Your dentist is giving you a fun goody bag full of new floss and a new toothbrush so you can use it to practice proper oral hygiene. If you have gingivitis or bacterial disease, you will be required to swap out toothbrushes once per month.

Calgary NE Dental Clinic

Your dental examination includes more than just a cleaning. Your dentist thoroughly examines your mouth for infections, diseases, and other oral health problems. Although it may only seem like they are just checking if you brush and floss regularly, there is a purpose behind your dentist’s techniques. Visiting your dentist for regular exams and cleanings will ensure that your oral health stays in check and that there are no areas of concern that can affect your future oral and overall health. 

Marlborough Dental Centre is proud to provide NE Calgary with high-quality, affordable dental care. If you are overdue for a dental exam, teeth cleaning, need to brighten up your smile,  or wish to know more about our dental scaling procedure, contact us to schedule your appointment today by calling 403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.


Q: How often should I visit the dentist?
A: It is recommended that you visit your dentist at least once every six months.

Q: What are some common signs of tooth decay?
A: Common signs and symptoms of tooth decay include:

  • Tooth pain and sensitivity
  • Bad breath
  • Grey, brown, or black spots on a tooth

If you are suffering from toothache or notice extreme sensitivity in a tooth, book an appointment with your dentist right away to determine if you are suffering from tooth decay and to begin treatment. 

Q: How long does a dental cleaning and exam take?
A: Typically, a dental exam and cleaning will take one hour.

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