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5 Reasons You Must Visit Your Family Dentist Regularly

Do you tend to skip your yearly visits to the family dentist? Neglecting your oral health can not only affect your teeth, gums, and smile, but it can also have a negative impact on your general health. Here are 5 reasons why you should visit your family dentist regularly.

In today’s busy world, very few people keep up with regular checkups with their family dentist, which is a huge mistake. Oftentimes, dentists only see patients when they are in pain, and in many cases, this is often too late.

Cavities and other oral problems can actually be prevented if your dentist spots and treats potential issues early on, leading to more affordable and simpler care.

Visiting your Calgary dentists for regular checkups and dental cleanings is important because these appointments will allow your oral healthcare professional to:

  • Make an oral exam of your gums and teeth
  • Discuss changes in your medicine use and overall health
  • Diagnose any oral health problems and make treatment recommendations
  • Look for signs of oral cancer and other diseases

Affordable and Quality Dentistry Services in Calgary

At Marlborough Dental Centre, our team of friendly and highly qualified family dentists strive to provide you with low-cost and quality oral healthcare services. From dental cleanings and teeth whitenings, to emergency dental care and sedation dentistry, we strive to make your visit to the dentist as affordable, straightforward, and enjoyable as possible.

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5 Reasons You Must Visit Your Family Dentist Regularly

With the busyness and responsibilities of day-to-day-life, it can be easy to neglect your oral healthcare. If you can’t remember the last time you scheduled a checkup with your Calgary family dentist, here are a few reasons why you need to do it now:

  1. Cavity prevention and treatment: Even the most diligent brushers and flossers can fall victim to cavities. The best way to prevent such issues is by visiting your dentist for regular checkups and dental cleanings. A dental inspection can spot cavities early on, but only if you visit your dentist regularly.

  1. Oral cancer detection: Oral cancer is a serious health issue that affects many Canadians (especially current and former tobacco users) and the only way to protect yourself is by visiting the dentist for your yearly exams. Your family dentist is highly trained to look for early signs of oral cancer, which fortunately can be treated easily in its earliest stages.

  1. Prevention of gum disease: Ignoring plaque and tartar buildup can lead to gum disease. Not only is this painful, leading to sore and bleeding gums, but gum disease can require expensive treatment including deep teeth cleanings, medication, and even surgery. To avoid all this, regular dental cleanings and check-ups are essential in catching gingivitis before it turns to gum disease.

  1. Keep bad habits in check: There are many habits that can have a negative impact on your oral health, some of which you may not even realize are causing you harm, such as chewing ice, clenching your jaw, brushing your teeth too hard, and of course smoking. Visiting your dentist regularly can inform you of such destructive habits, allowing you to alter your lifestyle to prevent further damage.

  1. Find problems under the surface: A key part of visiting the dentist is that you can get your teeth and jaw bone x-rayed. This allows your dentist to see what is happening beneath the surface of your mouth so that they can find and diagnose issues that may not be visible to the naked eye. Problems include impacted teeth, which should be treated quickly to avoid any pain.

Call Today

To find out more about how our family dentists can help detect and treat any oral issues early on to help you avoid pain, as well as extensive and expensive dental treatment, visit us at Marlborough Dental Centre, 1141-3800 Memorial Drive NE Calgary, AB, T2A, 2K2.

Alternatively, you can contact us at 403-248-2066 or fill in our online contact form.


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