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5 Dental Care Myths That Might be Damaging Your Teeth

There are several dental myths that continue to persist, despite the fact that they are actually causing more harm than good. Here are 5 common dental myths debunked.

  1. White teeth are always healthy teeth
    Just because your teeth are pearly white does not mean they are healthy. Even white teeth can have infections and cavities between the teeth. Also, not all teeth are perfectly white to begin with. Though teeth should be closer to white or ivory than yellow or brown, natural tooth colour varies depending on the individual. Also, as we age our teeth tend to become discolored and stained. However, that does not necessarily mean they are unhealthy.

  2. Bleaching your teeth can harm them
    Bleaching your teeth is not harmful, and will not damage the enamel. This myth persists because prior to 1990 the materials used to bleach teeth were incredibly acidic and would damage tooth enamel. However, all tooth bleaching products currently on the market are pH neutral, so you don’t have to worry about them damaging your teeth. Bleaching products on the market today simply oxidize your teeth using carbamide peroxide, causing light to reflect more favorably off your enamel. However, you should still consult your dentist before you begin any tooth whitening treatment since aggressively high concentrations of whitening gels can shock or traumatize your teeth.

  3. If your gums bleed, don’t brush them
    Brushing is good for your teeth, tongue and gums as it helps remove plaque. Plaque, which can harden into tartar, causes inflammation, gingivitis and periodontitis. However if your gums are sensitive or bleed while you are brushing you should brush gently. You can also try brushing your teeth at an angle in order to avoid irritating your gums. Brushing and flossing are integral to keeping your gums healthy and will reduce inflammation and bleeding over time.

  4. Sugar is the only thing that causes cavities
    Though sugar definitely does cause cavities it does not do so directly. The harmful bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease feed off sugar, which they need to survive. However, if you don’t consume any sugar but do have poor oral hygiene you will still experience gum disease and cavities. Acid, sugar and bacteria cause tooth decay, and your gums become irritated if there is sugar stuck between your teeth. That is why you should brush or rinse after eating, especially if you have consumed sweets, so you can wash away the sugars and acids that damage enamel.

  5. Flossing isn’t that important
    Though you may be tempted to skip flossing it is actually one of our teeth’s main defenses against tooth decay and gum disease. Regular brushing cannot reach between your teeth, and individuals who neglect to floss really only end up cleaning approximately ⅔ of the surface area of each tooth. When bacteria is left in those hard to reach places they can cause serious problems like gum disease, decay and pain. Flossing is cheap, easy and essential to good oral hygiene practices.

For more information about good dental hygiene practices visit and call 403.248.2066 to book your next appointment at the Marlborough Dental Centre.

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